Jacques Rougerie Database

Arctic harvester An itinerant agricultural community among icebergs


Arctic harvester An itinerant agricultural community among icebergs

Grand Prix Laureat
  • Year2013
  • LocationSea artic

The project originates from two observations: Greenland's almost total dependence on import of fruit and vegetables due to a lack of agricultural productivity within its territory, and the under-exploitation of the plentiful resource of fresh water, in the form of icebergs. The Arctic Harvester houses a floating agricultural community, navigating the Arctic currents between Greenland and Canada, giving access to its primary resource: the fresh-water produced by melting icebergs. This product contains all the nutrients required for the establishment a hydroponic farming system, a soil-less agriculture in a controlled environment, giving a high crop yield and avoiding problems associated with poor soil quality and extremely cold environments. It is conceivable that a future network of Harvesters could one day meet all of Greenland's requirement for produce. More than a floating structure dedicated to high-intensity farming, the Harvester is a floating village with the capacity to accommodate 800 people, providing all the public facilities required for the functioning of the community.


Team members: Meriem Chabani - Maeva Leneveu - Etienne Chobaux - John Edom
